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China Night & Nagasaki
Batterfly Lyrics
China Night (Shina no yoru)
Nagasaki Butterfly
Tokyo Boogie Woogie
Tanko Bushi contributed by Don
The Old O-soba Man
Find more Japanese music at:

The Old O-soba Man from Shimbashi
Listen to the 1950's Japanese Music loved by the American Forces
stationed in Japan and Korea. I dug up a couple of 45 and 78 rpm records
which were buried in a drawer for about 50 years. They were recorded in
Japan in the early 1950's. Both were Columbia recordings. I had the songs
put on a CD so I could put them on the website as I no longer have a record
player. I also found the lyrics of two of the songs.
Right click on the selections of Japanese music and then select
"save target as" to download the music. It will take a several
minutes to download the music files but you will be rewarded for the wait.
Sit back and visualize. If you want to sing along click on the "China
Night & Nagasaki Batterfly Lyrics".
Music can be played on RealOne Player which can be downloaded free from